You may think aromatherapy is something new since it has become a buzz word in our society just the past couple years. But it definitely is not a new concept. Today the term is used to convey the use of essential oils extracted from plants, flowers, herbs, resins and spices. These oils are commonly used in bath & body products and candles. But aromatherapy goes beyond that to be a science based in nature and its effects on the entire being - mind, body and spirit. If we go all the way back in time to when humans first developed hieroglyphic writing to permanently record information (approx. 3000 BC), they had already begun to use aromatic plant materials as incense and medicines.
Most information reflecting the use of aromatics in the ancient world came from the Egyptians and their contemporaries, the Sumerians. The Sumerians were known to use incense as an offering to the Gods and to heal the sick. The Egyptians used aromatics to a much greater extent as incense in religious ceremonies, medicines, cosmetic preparations, mummification and self-adornment. It is through their work that one of the processes for extracting aromatic components was invented. They are also credited with creating many of the cosmetics we use today, including henna for hair coloring and mascara.
The development of aromas continues throughout the history of China and India in the use of traditional medicine. Many plants have been known and used for thousands of years in conjunction with acupuncture in China. The earliest records being in the Yellow Emperor's Book of Internal Medicine, dating more than 2000 years BC. In the religious texts of India, it shows that the medicine was exclusively plant- based, reflecting on the vegetarian principles of the main religion.
Aromatherapy impacted many other cultures in varying degrees including the ancient Greek, Romans and Europeans. In 1665 when the bubonic plague was prevalent, Europe used many fragrance-based medicines. Most important was the use of garlic. The College of Physicians drew up the prescription "Cure of the plague and prevention of infections - add 3 cloves of garlic to butter and eat daily". The reasoning behind this was not unfounded, as the essential oil of garlic contains powerful antibiotic principles.
But what happened to such a once-popular practice? During the 18th century, both modern-day perfumeries and medical practices turned to chemistry which produced more powerful, faster-acting substances. In relation to perfumery, chemists have been able to synthesize many aroma chemicals which are found in nature, and even some with no natural equivalent. These synthetic forms do not contain the same beneficial properties as the natural form, and are much less expensive. Therefor, synthetic oils are used in all but the extremely high-end perfumes. In relation to medicine, the U.S. medical community has been spending much time and money focusing on the latest complex methods of treatment, forsaking to some degree the alternative natural remedies from the past.
Why is the use of aromatics just becoming popular in our society again? Americans are beginning to search for ways to improve overall well-being. We are just beginning to recognize and accept alternative methods for health care and preventative health care including: aromas, exercise, diet, organic substances, vitamins, acupuncture, massage, prayer and meditation to improve our overall well-being. We are discovering on our own that aromas can affect our emotions through our mind, and in turn affect our bodies. With this shift in consciousness, the public is becoming more attuned to the demands of our planet and our bodies. We are now just realizing what our ancestors knew thousands of years ago.
About the
Lisa LeClaire is a certified AVEDA Aromologist, the owner of Fundamental Expressions
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