Fundamental Expressions uses VeriSign security to protect your personal data and credit card data during transmission. To verify our authenticity, click the logo above. The Verisign Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology is the best - and has become a standard for secure communications on the Web.
What pages are secure?
All pages within your shopping cart are secure. That means all information about your order, your billing and shipping addresses, and your credit card information will be encrypted with SSL security.
How does the SSL work?
When a browser connects to a site with a VeriSign Secure Server ID, the browser automatically uses the ID to verify that it is doing business with a legitimate site. Then, the browser and the server use the key contained within the certificate to encrypt all information that passes between them.
How can I tell if the security is working on my browser?
You are on a site using frames, so when viewing one of the product pages or within your shopping cart, simply right click on the page and select "properties" or "view frame info" (depending on your browser). Verify that the URL Address starts with https:// (the "s" means the connection is secure) as opposed to a non-secure page starting with http://
Privacy Statement
Fundamental Expressions is committed to ensuring your privacy. Your personal information given during ordering or program registration will not be rented or sold under any circumstance. Fundamental Expressions does not collect personal information from you unless provided by you. Once your order is completely processed, all information is permanently deleted from our secure server.
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